Download Mozilla Firefox v56.0 x86 / x64 - Firefox Internet Firewall

  • Category: Software » Internet » Internet Browser
Firefox The Mozilla product is a secure, powerful, powerful, and powerful web browser. This popular browser is due to its high quality and performance as well as other well-known browsers such as Internet Explorer and Opera, and perhaps even better than some of the features.

Some of the features of this powerful browser include:
The ability to open all windows as Tabbed Browsing under a Firefox window and the ability to prevent pop-ups from opening pop-ups is one of the features of this browser. High security and preventing the entry of spyware and spyware into your system is a superior feature of this software . It is powered by a powerful internal search engine, it also benefits from downloading files from the Internet at high speeds, it can categorize downloaded files and save itself in a specific folder! Beautiful environments with plenty of features, such as changing appearance, adding or removing toolbars, working with different fonts , and grinding pages. Also, being equipped with various themes has added to the beauty and ability of this browser. Firefox is compatible with all versions of Windows .
Key Features of Mozilla Firefox:
- New and more attractive interface than the user interface
- Very high speed on webpages
- Tabbed Browsing (Open all pages in one page)
- High security in the Internet unsecured environment
- Avoid the potential dangers of spy-wares and thieves
- Avoid opening the popup-bloker pages.
- Protection of passwords and private and security passwords
- More professional add-on management
- Simpler use of software
- Supports HTML version 5
- Support for version 3 CSS
- Compatibility with WebM video format
- Very tangible crashes in using this version
- Javascript Compatibility to Load Better Pages
- Being online and not interrupting communications sockets (better running games and chatting )
- Possibility to display full screen of videos
- Ability to view previously unpublished pages
- Cache parts of sites that are usually fixed
- Highly flexible software in different faces
- And ... 

Some new Firefox features:
- Significantly reduced memory consumption of the system (RAM)
-Improve the launch speed of the program
- Increase website loading speed
-Improve the browser information synchronization between different versions of Firefox
- Increased user interface
- MACOAXX support
- Improved scroll bar
- More browser stability
Mozilla Firefox Screenshot 1
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