Download R-Studio v8.1 Build 165145 Network Edition - software recovers lost data

  • Category: Software » Applications » Data Recovery
Each of us at least once faced with the problem of deleting unwanted information that we sometimes within a few seconds the user has occurred oversight, and by some software or information on a viruses and elimination that in each case at the time of data loss are always looking for a way to return data.
R-Studio software is a powerful tool in the game Abby information for professionals, managers, system engineers and network , which means that data can be lost from the TCP / IP protocol or any other network-based Operating System Windows retrieved. It supports file systems FAT (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32), NTFS, NTFS5 to support recovery and further versions (2000/2003 / XP / Vista) compatible. This software has an advanced reconstruction model, feature-rich editor / hexadecimal, or suck on a piece of DNA copying of advanced software solution that is perfect for creating a data recovery workstation.
Software R-Studio is able to play Abbey in cases such as:
- Deleted without Recycle Bin, or when Recycle Bin has been emptied
- Removed by virus attack or power failure
- After the partition files, even for different file system format when this is
- When the partition structure on a hard drive is damaged or altered
- Develop bad sectors of Hard Disk 

Key features of the software R-Studio:
- Supports attack 6, including Reed-Solomon and XOR
- Support exFAT file system and Ext4 FS
- Advanced copy objects
- The MAC byte to byte copy of any object visible in the drive panel
- Smart copy of partitions and hard drives
- Support for Windows 64-bit and 32-bit versions
- Recovery of damaged or deleted partitions ups, encrypted files (NTFS 5), alternative data streams (NTFS, NTFS 5)
- Recover data even if FDISK or other disk utilities have been run
- Recover data in case of virus attack, damaged FAT, or loss of MBR
- Identify the names of the native
- Ability to save the recovered files on the disk and network available by the host operating system
- Ability to view and edit the contents of a file or disk hex editor Advanced
- Support for RAW images from digital cameras
- Arranging files
- The expansion of known file types
- Support for large file recovery
- Support for various unusual RAID configurations
- Support for compressed video Azfrmt
- And the ...
R-Studio Screenshot 1 R-Studio Screenshot 2
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