What is OCR? Suppose that we want to enter text on paper to computer. The first method that comes to mind is that we as computer typist typed text. But the same does not need to type text into the computer to do? The device "Scanner" can enter a computer image of it, so here are part of our problem is solved.But computers are not rational and not 'language' knows, can not distinguish letters and words. For example, if the computer you want to tell us that the scanned text the word "Ali" several times to come, without being ashamed, I can not say I recognize! In fact, this "image Dyjytalshdh" to "image processing" converted. OCR is the main issue. OCR stands for its full term in English dictionaries come in two forms:
1. Optical Character Recognition
2. Optical Character Reader
Software Readiris OCR is one of the most powerful software, this software is usually provided for free on the scanner, so far around the world more than 10 million copies of the software have been sold and  supported and you can scan the pages of books and magazines you want to convert them to text.
A key feature of the software Readiris:
- Create documents, PDF, XPS
- Storage of scanned documents in any format
- Create high quality documents in the least amount of compression technology
- Compatibility with various formats as input
- Identify the table in the photo are
- Scan a photo and send text isolated directly by e-mail
- There are different tools to work on images
- Quick and easy user
- And ...